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 Les p'tits liens de Megan

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Megan Lamb
Near wild heaven
Megan Lamb

Lettres : 11
Pseudo : vaness123
Célébrité : Ashley Benson
Disponibilité : //

Age : 30 ans
Job : Tient une petite boutique d'antiquité
Statut civil : Célibataire
Adresse : uc.
Les p'tits liens  de Megan  Source
MessageSujet: Les p'tits liens de Megan    Les p'tits liens  de Megan  EmptyJeu 26 Mar - 19:13

but then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask
Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine
Née le jour de la st Valentin- N'a jamais réellement connu l'amour, puisqu'elle n'a jamais trop eu de temps à consacrer à un homme suite à ses problèmes de famille - Sa mère est décédée d'un cancer quand elle avait 17 ans - Suite au décès de sa mère elle a cesser de manger et elle est devenue anorexique En plus de sa maladie, elle à fait une dépression ne supportant plus de voir son père devenir accro à l'alcool- Elle a eut des envies suicidaires suite à ses histoires Une nuit elle décide de tout quitter du jour au lendemain - Est allée dans un centre de soin afin de guérir - A reçu un grand héritage lors du décès de son père , en effet son père avait une très grande entreprise-Elle fait de la boxe depuis 2-3 ans pour évacuer sa haine- Tient un blog sur internet, où elle parle un peu de sa vie, d'ailleurs elle est reconnue sur les réseaux sociaux- Elle adore voyager à travers le monde- Elle vit comme si il n'y avait pas de lendemain - Elle se fout de ce que peuvent penser les gens d'elle - Elle est bordélique, et ça ne la dérange pas-Elle adore regarder les films disney et se rendre à disneyland, ça lui rappelle sa mère-Elle fait très difficilement confiance aux gens - Elle préfère des amitiées masculines à des amitiées féminines- Adore faire du sport, n'importe quel sport d'ailleurs-Elle n'a pas de tatouages, ni de piercing, mais hésite à en faire-Elle a un chien qu'elle adore - Elle adore les animaux - Elle a eut des problèmes de santé, mais c'est désormais réglé
(av) moonlight (cit) the smiths (code) élissan.

(( there is a light that never goes out ))
élissan + the smiths.

reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.

(( there is a light that never goes out ))
élissan + the smiths.

reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.

(( there is a light that never goes out ))
élissan + the smiths.

reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.

(( there is a light that never goes out ))
élissan + the smiths.

reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.
reel around the fountain
Take me out tonight Where there's music and there's people And they're young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven't got one AnymoreTake me out tonight Because I want to see people and I Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don't drop me home Because it's not my home, it's their Home, and I'm welcome no more.

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Elsie Jones
Near wild heaven
Elsie Jones

Lettres : 29
Pseudo : lips, jenna.
Célébrité : robbie
Disponibilité : pas validée.

Age : l'âge avancé. la trentaine déjà dépassée. on te parle que de bébés, ou se trouve l'issu de secours ? (32 ans)
Job : chirurgienne traumatologue. tu passes ton temps à opérer, réparer, soigner. tu divagues entre ton service, le bloc opératoire et les urgences.
Statut civil : fermé pour cause de travaux. accès refusé.
Adresse : uc.
MessageSujet: Re: Les p'tits liens de Megan    Les p'tits liens  de Megan  EmptyJeu 26 Mar - 21:09

y a ma face sur ta fiche Les p'tits liens  de Megan  2274202060
un signe ? maybe.
salut toi Les p'tits liens  de Megan  2380165308
j'viens talker lien entre nos deux blondes Les p'tits liens  de Megan  3142069604
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Megan Lamb
Near wild heaven
Megan Lamb

Lettres : 11
Pseudo : vaness123
Célébrité : Ashley Benson
Disponibilité : //

Age : 30 ans
Job : Tient une petite boutique d'antiquité
Statut civil : Célibataire
Adresse : uc.
Les p'tits liens  de Megan  Source
MessageSujet: Re: Les p'tits liens de Megan    Les p'tits liens  de Megan  EmptyJeu 26 Mar - 21:24

Aha, avec plaisir miss Les p'tits liens  de Megan  408235209
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Khali Lizska
A votre écoute
Khali Lizska

Lettres : 163
Pseudo : Brenda.
Célébrité : Nina Dobrev.
Disponibilité : Disponible pour 2 topics.

Age : Trente ans, la vingtaine s'est envolée.
Job : Infirmière, sauver des vies, être là pour les autres.
Statut civil : En couple avec une femme, mais elles font un trouple avec Cayden. Sauf que toi, tu aimes Cayden maintenant
Adresse : #770 maison, south winton
Les p'tits liens  de Megan  Tumblr_inline_oywwovio4n1uyanoc_250

Aime faire des conneries comme une gamine. Boit trop de café. Adore voir un coucher de soleil. A du talent en cuisine. Ne supporte pas l'injustice. A été un an en mission humanitaire en Afrique. Adore les animaux, bénévole au refuge. Fabrique des bijoux, les vend sur son site. Collectionne les bougies. Adore manger salé. Est claustrophobe. A aussi peur des orages. Adore nager, mais déteste courir. N'a pas sa langue dans sa poche. Joue parfois à des jeux-vidéos. Allergique au pollen. Lit souvent des magazines : cuisine, people. Rigole fort et comme une gamine. Adore faire rire les autres.
MessageSujet: Re: Les p'tits liens de Megan    Les p'tits liens  de Megan  EmptyVen 27 Mar - 8:47

@Megan Lamb un petit lien ? Les p'tits liens  de Megan  694418943
elles auraient pu se connaître à l'école, elles ont le même âge ! I love you
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Megan Lamb
Near wild heaven
Megan Lamb

Lettres : 11
Pseudo : vaness123
Célébrité : Ashley Benson
Disponibilité : //

Age : 30 ans
Job : Tient une petite boutique d'antiquité
Statut civil : Célibataire
Adresse : uc.
Les p'tits liens  de Megan  Source
MessageSujet: Re: Les p'tits liens de Megan    Les p'tits liens  de Megan  EmptyLun 30 Mar - 15:40

Avec plaisir ! En plus, j'ai vu que tu adore les animaux Les p'tits liens  de Megan  408235209
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MessageSujet: Re: Les p'tits liens de Megan    Les p'tits liens  de Megan  Empty

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Les p'tits liens de Megan
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